Story of the Day

Mayo called while dad was power washing outside. The nurse told dad that his counts were down with Chemo and said he should be feeling bad. He walked in and asked my mom if he should come inside and lay down or something. Mom said, Earl, do whatever you feel like doing. He went back to power washing.

what a great story. Love it!

Thanks. Counts were still down last week...concerning...I hope we aren't headed for another tough time with this. We went for a neighborhood bike ride last Friday anyway. Figured we should stay close to his house just in case...we rode for an hour. I hope he doesn't get sick and hope his counts look better this week.

Tracy, before my Mom was told she had Amyloidosis, she was the busiest lady I've ever know. I don't think she felt that well, but she kept going!

As I'm her daughter, when I was diagnosed having an AVM, I just did whatever my doctor told me to do and I kept going until I had my brain bleed.

I honestly think staying positive like your dad, is a blessing! Take it a day at a time is the best advise!

Good for him!