Hello Everyone!
The Amyloidosis Support Groups is pleased to announce the return of our support group meetings in North Carolina. This first "get together" on Saturday, June 28th will give the patients and caregivers in the area a chance to meet and get to know each other. We are very pleased to say that Dr. Saad Usmani of the Levine Cancer Institute in Charlotte and Dr. Sascha Tuchman from Duke University Hospital have also agreed to attend. Come meet the doctors and have your questions answered by them. We will learn about the clinical trials that are open or opening soon in North Carolina, as well as those open in other locations around the country.
This particular meeting will be held at the Airport Embassy Suites Hotel, which is located at 4800 South Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC 28217 (parking is free). We have booked a conference suite at the hotel and will begin at 10 am and finish up about 2:30 pm; all that attend will receive a complimentary lunch. Please let me know if you have any special dietary requests due to allergies, etc. Because we will need an accurate count for the food, please RSVP to me at ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ no later than Wednesday, June 25th.
I look forward to seeing some familiar faces and getting to know those of you that I have yet to meet. We are beginning to work on our 2015 meeting schedule when we will move the meetings to the hospital (alternating between Carolinas Health Care and Duke). We will bring in a special guest speaker from one of the Amyloid Centers and invite all of our local doctors as well.
Paula Schmitt
Localized Amyloidosis
GA/FL/DC Support Group Facilitator
Amyloidosis Support Groups